Frequently Asked Questions

What is
It's a comedy group located in Canada that makes short videos also known as "sketches" (we hate the word "skits") for the internets.
When did you guys start
We formed and started writing in early 2005 and we released our teaser trailer in late 2005 and released our first video in 2006.
How do you guys come up with ideas for videos?
We don't know but drinking helps sometimes and other times it doesn't help at all.
Why do you guys make videos?
Mad pussy, bro.
How did you come up with the name TrueNuff?
It's a portmanteau of "True" and "Enough" - back when we started our webcomic the story line and characters were inspired and caricatured from our personal lives. It wasn't completely true, but it was "true enough".
When do you release new videos?
Whenever we want! With the modern internets we're not tied down to an update schedule of any kind - you can sign up for email updates and get an email when there's a new video - rad!
What kind of camera do you guys use?
Our older SD videos were filmed on a MiniDV that filmed in some low res interlaced video format which was the norm at time. Our newer HD videos are shot on the Panasonic HDC-TM900 that records in 1080p at 60 fps (we drop to 24 fps when we export).
What software do you guys create video with?
Adobe Premiere Pro, occasionally Adobe After Effects. We use Adobe Photoshop & Adobe Illustrator for graphics/credits. Audacity for some sound stuff but the dudes who help us with sound have super fancy sound software.
Why are some of your videos on YouTube titled with [Low Quality]?
Our old videos were (stupidly) released at 240p so when we re-release them at 360p we title the old ones appropriately.
Why are some of your old videos not in "widescreen"?
YouTube didn't always support widescreen videos and yes we are so old we actually predate YouTube.
What happened to Jeff?
Jeff moved to Toronto in 2008 and then came back - nothing happened to him as far as we can tell.
Do you guys do this for a living?
This project doesn't make enough money for us to do it full time - we all have day jobs.
Do you guys make any money from this stuff?
We make enough money to pay for a few beers so that's pretty sweet.
Can I give you money?
Fuck yes - donations are greatly appreciated and buying merch at our shop is also an option.
What is "Windward Reports"?
They're a software company - we did three Windward videos for their YouTube contest where they promised $10,000 to the winner and after a few months of hype and promotion they shut the contest down and didn't reward the prize - behavior like this is now referred to as "Windwarding".
Why did you release censored versions of your videos?
We were just trying stuff out - turns out releasing censored videos was pretty fucking stupid.
Can I link to your website or videos?
Yes, please do - you don't even need to ask.
Can I download your videos?
On our updates page we have an "media" RSS feed where you can download our videos in standard definition - if you want our videos in HD emails us and let us know why.
Can I embed or share your videos?
Yes! Our videos are distributed under a Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 3.0 License so you can share them but you can't profit from them and you have to link back to our website and give us credit.
Who does the creepy/sexy voice at the end of your videos?
Not much is known about him - he's called "The Closer" and we pay him with cheap bottles of scotch.
Can I send you my video idea?
We don't accept ideas to prevent litigation problems - if you send any ideas and they end up in videos it's purely coincidental.
Can you please make more Mac Spoofs?
Sir, I'm going to have to ask you to leave the store.
Do you guys plan to release your stuff on DVD?
What the fuck is a DVD!?
Are you guys gay?
We're gay for girls.
If you have questions that weren't answered then ask us.